Spring Clean your Skin

Spring clean your skin! 4 dermatologist-approved ways to purge winter from every last pore.

Summer is fast approaching and before we know it we will be swapping ankle boots for sandals and hanging up our coats for a few months of long-awaited sunshine.

Now is the time to spring clean your skin! Dermatologist, Whitney Bowe, shares her top 4 treatments to make your skin it’s best.

Try a Radio-Frequency Treatment
“It feels like a hot-stone massage,” Bowe states.

Trust Your Pores to a Professional
To clear out congestion beneath the skin, a little more than a light exfoliation may be required.

Choose a Targeted Peel for Hyperpigmentation
A series of peels can dramatically improve the appearance of the face, hands, or neck, taking off old dead cells to reveal brighter skin. For those with hyperpigmentation, consider a still-more targeted version of the treatment.

Consider Microneedling for a Collagen Boost
Using a sterilized device, microneedling delivers a series of controlled “wounds” beneath the skin’s surface, triggering its own natural collagen production. “It’s an amazing tool for pores, tone, and overall texture,” says Bowe. At her office, she relies on a 2.0 version of the treatment known as the EndyMed. Marrying microneedling with radio-frequency energy that heats up the dermal layer, it produces more significant results for “a smooth and super-filtered look.” She recommends three procedures, spaced one month apart.

All of these treatments are available at Cosmex Clinic so if you are interested call or email us now!

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