Profhilo Skin Boosters VS Polynucleotides

In the ever-evolving world of aesthetic medicine, the quest for youthful skin has led to the development of various innovative treatments. Two of our favourite contenders in this area are Profhilo skin boosters and polynucleotides, each boasting unique approaches to skin rejuvenation. 

Let’s dive into the science behind these treatments and explore the differences that set them apart.

Profhilo: The Hyaluronic Hero

Profhilo is a skin booster that relies on the hydrating power of hyaluronic acid. This gel-like formula moisturises the skin and lifts and tightens, providing a natural volume boost. Its ‘bio remodelling’ technique is renowned for addressing skin laxity effectively, earning it a reputation for quick transformations in just five minutes.

The hyaluronic acid in Profhilo works wonders by attracting and retaining water molecules, instantly improving skin texture and firmness. With repeated sessions, Profhilo stimulates collagen and elastin production, contributing to a fuller and more youthful appearance.

Polynucleotides: The DNA Elixir

On the other hand, polynucleotides take a different route to skin enhancement. Derived from purified DNA and RNA chains, often sourced from fish, polynucleotides have been a staple in medical wound repair for years, boasting a stellar safety record.

In aesthetic medicine, polynucleotides directly impact skin fibroblasts, leading to increased fibroblast numbers. This boost in fibroblasts has cascading effects, from improved scavenging of free radicals to increased production of high-quality Type 1 collagen. The outcome is thicker, smoother skin with enhanced hydration, as polynucleotides effectively bind water molecules.

Which treatment is best for me?

Profhilo and polynucleotides stimulate skin quality, offering hydration, texture improvement, and firmness. However, the key differences lie in their mechanisms and applications.

Profhilo, with its hyaluronic acid focus, is a fantastic all-around treatment for general skin tightening and hydration. Its quick and visible results make it a popular choice for those seeking an instant pick-me-up.

Polynucleotides, with their roots in DNA and RNA, cater to a more advanced approach to skin ageing. This treatment is particularly recommended for the delicate eye area, where Profhilo may not be suitable. The ability of polynucleotides to enhance fibroblast populations makes them ideal for addressing specific concerns associated with ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

In the realm of skin rejuvenation, Profhilo and polynucleotides stand out as two powerful options, each with its unique strengths. While Profhilo harnesses the hydrating prowess of hyaluronic acid for an instant boost, polynucleotides take a more nuanced approach, leveraging the regenerative potential of DNA and RNA. The choice between the two depends on individual skin concerns and desired outcomes, with both promising a journey towards rewinding the signs of ageing.

For those seeking comprehensive solutions to address their ageing skin concerns, Cosmex Clinic stands as an exemplary choice. Our seasoned practitioners boast extensive expertise in the field of aesthetics, poised to offer tailored advice for achieving your desired rejuvenation goals. Schedule a commitment-free consultation through our website today to explore the potential avenues of your personalised ageing journey.

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